
确定实习 for 州内 学费

学生被分类为以下的学费目的之一,在时间 录取: 

  1. 州内 - U.S. 公民或 永久居民 who has lived in Arkansas for at least six (6) 学期开始前连续几个月因出勤以外的原因 在UAFS.
  2. 边界状态 – U.S. 公民或 永久居民 who has lived in Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, 密西西比州,路易斯安那州或德克萨斯州至少连续六(6)个月 beginning of the term for reasons other than attendance 在UAFS.
  3. 州外 – anyone who lives outside of Arkansas or border state or is not a U.S. 公民或 永久居民. (See Residency for Non-Traditionally Documented Persons below for in-state eligibility options for non-citizens/永久居民s.)
  4. 国际 – student attending UAFS on a student visa.

未成年人的居住分类与其父母或父母的居住分类相同 监护人,除非学生已婚或有其他单独的法律规定 住宅.



任何在录取时被归类为州外的学生都被认为是 在阿肯色州主要是为了上学,而不是为了上学 of establishing residency. Mere presence in Arkansas or a border state alone does not establish residency. Any student previously classified as out-of-state may request a change of residency status through the 注册商’s Office. The student must submit 证明之前在阿肯色州或边境州居住6个月的证明文件 the start of the given semester for purposes other than attending college.

居住证明可以提交以下任意两种形式的文件 列表:

  • 当前的永久驾驶执照(至少六个月),上面有地址 学生居住. Post office box addresses are not acceptable.
  • State automobile registration.
  • 雇主声明书,注明受雇日期、服务年资及 address where student resided when employed.
  • 租期包括学生姓名和日期,租期至少为六个月.
  • 个人或房地产财产税报表从其常住地出具 上一年度.
  • Documented home purchase in Arkansas or a border state
  • Payment of state income tax.
  • 上一年的州所得税申报表显示该学生是阿肯色州的受抚养人 or border state resident.
  • 水电费账单的日期是学期开始前六个月的账单 和 indicating the student's permanent address.
  • Other forms of verification may be accepted at the discretion of the institution.

符合以下任何一项标准的学生将被归类为州内学生: regardless of their 住宅:

  1. A veteran who was honorably discharged from the U.美国武装力量.
  2. A dependent or spouse of a veteran who meets criteria above. For the purpose of this 政策规定,家属是指未婚子女,他们是军人的合法家属 person as defined by the IRS.
  3. A member of the armed forces.
  4. A spouse of a member of the armed forces.
  5. 预备役军官训练团(ROTC)的学员,曾在武装部队服役 合同.
  6. 现役武装部队成员的家属,当武装部队成员 力量:
    1. is stationed in Arkansas pursuant to permanent change of station military orders;
    2. 在此之前至少连续六(6)个月居住在阿肯色州 entering active military service 和 who maintains Arkansas as the permanent home of record while on active duty, or
    3. 证明住所从另一个州变更到阿肯色州至少12个月 prior to separation, discharge, or retirement from active duty. 这项规定是 forfeited if the military person does not return to Arkansas with 36 months after separation, discharge, or retirement from active duty.
  7. A veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. 比尔® – Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. 比尔®), of title 38, United States Code,他住在阿肯色州,同时在阿肯色州的一所学校上学 他/她的正式居住国),并在三年内入学 of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  8. Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI 比尔®福利(38 U.S.C. §3319) 在阿肯色州的一所学校就读期间(无论他/她的正式身份如何) 居住国),并在转让方的三年内入学 discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  9. 在上述第7和8项中描述的任何人,如果他或她仍然继续注册(其他) 而不是在课程、学期或学期之间的常规休息时间 同一所学校. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the 下列规定的退役或释放后三年期满 第7章和第8章,必须使用第30章或第30章的教育福利 33, of title 38, United States Code.
  10. 任何使用海军陆战队枪炮中士约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金的人 (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in Arkansas while attending a school located in Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal State of 住宅).
  11. Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. 比尔®福利(38 U.S.C. §3319) 在阿肯色州的一所学校就读期间(不管他们的正式学历如何) 居住国)和转让方是军警部队的成员,并且是 现役军人.
  12. 武装部队成员或第702条规定的“受保护个人” of the Veterans Access, Choice 和 Accountability Act of 2014.
  13. 任何根据第31章“职业康复”使用教育援助的个人 及就业(虚拟现实)&E).

本政策应被理解为为符合要求而进行必要的修改 38u.S.C. 3679, as amended, 和 Ark. 代码安. § 6-60-205.

Under the provisions of Arkansas 代码安. § 6-60-215 (Act 844), students who provide documentation to satisfy the requirements of 1, 2, or 3; A 和 B below will be granted in-state tuition.

  1. 学生已从马绍尔群岛共和国移民并已核实 legal presence in the State of Arkansas. 接受able documentation certifying citizenship/country of birth as the Republic of the Marshall Isl和s may include:
    1. 护照.
    2. 就业 Authorization Document Card.
    3. Permanent Resident Card.
    4. Unexpired Immigrant Visa.
    5. 院校可自行决定是否接受其他形式的核查.
  2. 学生或家长持有联邦表格I-766美国公民和移民局 Services issued 就业 Authorization Document, known as a work permit. 要求 文档包括:
    1. Unexpired 就业 Authorization Card issued to the student.
    2. Unexpired 就业 Authorization Card issued to the parent 证明亲子关系的文件,如出生证明.
  3. 学生已根据延期行动申请豁免并获得批准 儿童移民. Exemption must be current. 要求 documentation includes one 下列的:
    1. Unexpired 就业 Authorization Card issued to the student.
    2. 表格I-797,发给学生的诉讼通知,注明“案件类型:考虑” “童年抵港者暂缓遣返通知”及“通知类型:批准通知[其中 has not expired the two (2) year validity.]”

如果学生能够提供适当的文件来证明他们符合条件 在上述要求中,学生还必须提供文件来满足 这两个 requirements listed below.

  1. 学生必须是阿肯色州公立或私立高中的毕业生 have earned an Arkansas high school equivalency. 要求 documentation includes one 下列的:
    • 阿肯色州公立或私立机构出具的正式高中成绩单 indicating a graduation date 和 final grade point average.
    • 由阿肯色州职业教育部门颁发的普通教育证书或成绩 other appropriate state agency.
  2. 该学生在申请时必须在阿肯色州居住至少三年 application for 入学. 接受able documentation can include but is not limited to any 下列的:

  1. 阿肯色州公立或私立机构出具的正式高中成绩单 indicating a graduation date 和 final grade point average.
  2. 阿肯色州学院或大学的正式大学成绩单,如果有成绩单的话 在被UAFS录取之前,在学校居住了三(3)年.
  3. Billing/rental history indicating Arkansas residency for at least three (3) years 入院前. Examples include but are not limited to utility bills 和 rental 协议.
  4. Documented home purchase in Arkansas by the student at least three years prior to 入学.
  5. 至少有阿肯色州的驾照或身份证 three years 入院前.
  6. 雇主或房东出具的证明阿肯色州居民身份的公证信 for at least three years 入院前.
  7. Other forms of verification may be accepted at the discretion of the institution.


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